When you are in the business of selling cosmetics, it is important to have packaging that will make your products stand out on store shelves. After all, with so many options available to consumers, you want to be sure that your products are the ones that catch their eye. But designing cosmetic packaging that is both attractive and functional can be a challenge.

tips to help you design cosmetic packaging that sells

Your cosmetic packaging should be clean and simple, without too much clutter. Use clear fonts and images that are easy to understand at a glance. Remember, your goal is to make it easy for consumers to identify your products and understand what they are for.

  • Make it eye-catching

Your cosmetic packaging should be eye-catching and memorable. Use bright colours and bold designs to grab attention, but avoid going overboard. You want your packaging to be visually appealing, but you also do not want it to be so busy that it is difficult to read.

  • Use high-quality images

The images you use on your cosmetic packaging should be of high quality. This means they should be clear, sharp, and free of any imperfections. Avoid using stock photos; instead, opt for original images that are specific to your products.

  • Be consistent with your branding

Your cosmetic packaging should be consistent with your overall branding. This means using the same colours, fonts, and images that you use in your other marketing materials. This will help consumers easily recognize your products and connect them with your brand.

custom design cosmetic packaging

  • Use attractive packaging materials

The materials you use for your cosmetic packaging should be attractive and durable. You want your customized packaging to look good on store shelves, but you also want it to protect your products. Be sure to use high-quality materials that will not tear or fade over time.

  • Make it easy to open and close

Your cosmetic packaging should be easy to open and close. This means using a simple closure, such as a zip-top bag or a screw-top lid. You also want to avoid using sharp edges or complicated folds that can make it difficult to open the package.

  • Include important information

Your cosmetic packaging should include all of the important information about your product. This includes the name of the product, the ingredients, the weight or volume, the expiration date, and the contact information for your company. Be sure to include everything that a consumer might need to know before purchasing your product.

  • Make it recyclable

When possible, use recycled or recyclable materials for your cosmetic packaging. This will help you reduce your environmental impact and show consumers that you are committed to sustainability. 

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  • Test your packaging

before you launch your products, be sure to test your product packaging. This means sending sample products to friends and family to get their feedback. You also want to do a test run of your packaging to be sure that it can withstand the rigours of shipping and storage.

  • Work with a professional

When designing your cosmetic packaging, it is good to work with a professional. A graphic designer can help you create a visually appealing design, and a packaging engineer can ensure that your packaging is functional and durable.

Following these tips will help you design cosmetic packaging that is both attractive and functional.